Thursday, January 5, 2012

January: Train Your Dog Month

The Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) has declared January to be "Train Your Dog Month":

Spending more time with your canine companion, especially exploring new talents, can help address a variety of behavior issues, and you will be rewarded by the lessons he teaches you. Obedience training is a traditional place to start, but it's important to understand what excites your dog to learn. Whether it's walking next to you and waiting for direction, flying through agility courses, discovering hidden objects, or directing sheep traffic, find an activity that brings your dog joy and helps to channel his energy. An active dog is a happier dog...and getting to spend time with you while he enjoys himself is a great bonus for you both.

The APDT "is a professional educational organization of trainers who are committed to becoming better trainers through using positive, dog friendly methods based on sound scientific principles." To learn more about this valuable resource:

And to reward yourself for being your dog's best friend, check out the latest offerings at Dogwise:

I would love to hear what new thing you and your dog decide to learn!